About The novel.

Punk rock is a repudiation of society—a critique of something shiny at its surface but corrupt and rotten just beneath. For all the perfect bodies, smiles, and jawlines that ascend to the spotlight’s apex, punk rock as a subculture permeates its underbelly, demanding you notice modern life’s imperfection.

In Mamaroneck, New York, Brian Stratton’s soul burns amid his lukewarm suburban surroundings. Seeing no escape, he rebels, finding catharsis for his sorrow in the local punk scene. After he sneaks backstage at his favorite band’s first concert in the US, he finds the room bloody and Keisuke Fuma—celebrity by day, ninja for the yakuza by night—standing over the dead bodies.

But the winds of fate bring strange rumblings, and the duo end up on a journey of discovery that turns their attention away from their woes and toward something much more terrifying—the unknown for Brian, and the all too familiar for Keisuke.